Karakteristik Fisikokimia Mie Basah Formulasi Tepung Terigu dan Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.)

Wa Rani, ansharullah ansharullah, hermanto hermanto


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of flour formulation and purple sweet potato flour on physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of wet noodles. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, namely the concentration of adding purple sweet potato flour (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%). Observation variables consisted of assessment of hedonic organoleptic scale covering, color, aroma, and texture of physicochemical characteristics including water absorption and growth power, chemical characteristics including water content, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate level, and antioxidant activity using. Data analysis uses Analysis of Variants (ANOVA). The results showed that the formulation of flour and purple sweet potato flour had a very significant effect on organoleptic color, aroma, and texture. The formulation of 70% wheat flour and 30% purple sweet potato flour is the most preferred treatment for panelists with a color rating score of 4.33 (likes), a 4.03 aroma (likes) and a 3.63 texture (rather like). While based on physicochemical values include: water absorption 80.35%, flower power 20.63%, water content 23.11%, ash content, 2.27%, protein content 3.53%, fat content 8.20%, carbohydrate levels 64.84% and antioxidant activity have IC50 2308.92 ppm (very weak). This shows that the products of wet noodles formulation of flour and purple sweet potato flour are preferred and accepted by panelists and meet the quality requirements of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Keywords:wet noodles, physicochemical, organoleptic, wheat flour, purple sweet potato ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh formulasi tepung terigu dan tepung ubi jalar ungu terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan mie basah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu kosentrasi penambahan tepung ubi jalar ungu (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%). Variabel Pengamatan terdiri dari penilaian organoleptik skala hedonik meliputi, warna, aroma, dan tekstur karakteristik fisikokimia meliputi daya serap air dan daya kembang, karakterisitik kimia meliputi kadar air, abu, lemak, protein, kadar karbohidrat, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Data analisis menggunakan Analysis of Varian (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa formulasi tepung terigu dan tepung ubi jalar ungu berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap organoleptik warna,aroma, dan tekstur. Formulasi tepung terigu 70% dan tepung ubi jalar ungu 30% merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai panelis dengan skor penilaian warna 4,33 (suka), aroma 4,03 (suka) dan tesktur 3,63 (agak suka). Sedangkan berdasarkan nilai fisikokimia meliputi: daya serap air 80,35%, daya kembang 20,63%, kadar air 23,11%, kadar abu, 2,27%, kadar protein 3,53%, kadar lemak 8,20%, kadar karbohidrat 64,84% dan aktivitas antioksidan memiliki nilai IC50 2308,92 ppm(sangat lemah). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa produk mie basah formulasi tepung terigu dan tepung ubi jalar ungu disukai dan diterima oleh panelis serta memenuhi syarat mutu Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Kata kunci: mie basah,fisikokimia, organoleptik, tepung terigu, ubi jalar ungu

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