Fathur Rahman Rustan, Iramayanti Iramayanti, Muhammad Buttomi Masgode, Arman Hidayat, Try Sugiyarto Soeparyanto, Fitriah Mas'ud


Daerah irigasi Mowewe I merupakan salah satu daerah irigasi yang difokuskan untuk mendukung produktitas tanaman pangan daerah persawahan yang berada di desa Ulumowewe dan desa Nelombu. Daerah irigasi ini memiliki luas fungsional 227,774 Ha dan luas potensial 256,774 Ha. Akan tetapi beberapa daerah irigasi Mowewe I sering mengalami kekurangan air. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja jaringan irigasi D. I. Mowewe I dengan cara menilai kondisi jaringan irigasi (prasarana fisik irigasi) berdasarkan PermenPUPR Nomor 12/PRT/M/2015. Berdasarkan kondisi prasarana fisik jaringan Irigasi D. I. Mowewe I yang banyak mengalami kerusakan sehingga mengakibatkan air yang telah tersedia tidak mampu disalurkan ke D. I. Mowewe I. karena hal inilah kinerja jaringan irigasi Mowewe I dikatakan memiliki kinerja yang jelek. Karena hal inilah yang mengakibatkan permasalahan pada daerah irigasi Mowewe I.

Kata Kunci: Prasarana Fisik, Kinerja, Irigasi.

The Mowewe I irrigation area is one of the irrigation areas that is focused on supporting the productivity of food crops in the rice fields in Ulumowewe village and Nelombu village. This irrigation area has a functional area of 227,774 Ha and a potential area of 256,774 Ha. However, several Mowewe I irrigation areas often experience water shortages. Therefore, this research aims to assess the performance of the D. I. Mowewe I irrigation network by assessing the condition of the irrigation network (physical irrigation infrastructure) based on Minister of Public Works and Housing Regulation Number 12/PRT/M/2015. Based on the condition of the physical infrastructure of the D. I. Mowewe I Irrigation network, which has suffered a lot of damage, resulting in the available water not being able to be distributed to D. I. Mowewe I. Because of this, the performance of the Mowewe I irrigation network is said to have poor performance. Because of this, it causes problems in the Mowewe I irrigation area.

Keywords : Physical Infrastructure, Performance, Irrigation.


Physical Infrastructure; Performance; Irrigation

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