〈UPDATE 20 November 2019〉
Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis was first published as an online journal on April 11, 2016, based on ISSN (2503-1406) from Letter number PDII-LIPI: 0005.26211351 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2018.05. This journal begins edition Vol. 1 Number 1 (April), 2016 and 2 numbers every year. UHO Business: Journal of Business Administration has published 4 Volume 8 figures from 2016-2019. Following are some of the improvements and changes in the journal:
- In the previous year, there were no journal reviewers, then in 2019, the journal manager would add 10 reviewers from various universities, namely: Brawijaya University, Diponegoro University, Lampung University, Jember University, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Ambon College of Administrative Sciences Ambon, Halu Oleo University.
- In the previous year, there was no Editor team. In 2019 the manager has added editorial teams from several colleges / universities.
- Revise the journal template
- Adding Author Guidelines
- Changes in personnel editor in chief
- Changes in the layout of the journal display
- Completing journal management needs.