Analisis Finansial dan Titik Impas Usahatani Padi melalui Pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu di Lokasi Primatani Kabupaten Konawe Selatan

Rusdin Rusdin


Program of rice intensification implemented since about three decades ago initially had been able to improve the rice productivity manifestly, but since last decade, rice productivity in some locations tended to slope and even downhill. One of the efforts to increase rice productivity is by applying integrated crop management (ICM), an approach participative that considers the physical environment, biophysics, climate, and social economic condition of the local farmer. The study aimed to analyze and to know the income and break even point of ICM application. The study was conducted on Mei – December 2007 in Wawo Oru village, Subdistrict Palangga, South Konawe regency, South East Sulawesi Province at the second time of planting. The result showed that the ICM approach was able to increase productivity 80,30% and gave income Rp 2.47 million/second season/ha by R/C ratio 1,79. The implication of the research was that ICM of rice was very competent to be developed by paying attention to the suitability of agro-ecosystem.


Break Even Point, PTT and Paddy.

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