Factors Related to Nutritional Status of Toddlers in the Working Area of Soropia Health Center, Konawe Regency in 2021

Lisnawaty Lisnawaty, Jafriati Jafriati, Nurfajriyanti Hamka, Febriana Muchtar



Background: Nutritional status is a state of health related to the use of food by the body. As a result of poor nutritional status during infancy, it can cause stunted growth, cause toddlers to be lazy to carry out activities related to energy production, disruption of the toddler's immune system so that they  are  susceptible  to  infectious  diseases,  inhibition  of  optimal  brain  growth,  and  changes  in behavior such as apathy. Purposes: This study aimed to determine the relationship between parental income, and eating patterns in children under five with the occurrence of malnutrition in children under five in the working area of Soropia Health Center. Methods: This research was a quantitative research  that  is  observational  analytic  with  a  Cross  Sectional  Study  approach.  The  number  of samples were 50 toddler with a sampling technique using total sampling and for analysis using the Chi-Square test. Results: The results showed that there was a relationship between parental income (p=0.048) and eating patterns (p=0.000) with the nutritional status of children under five in the Soropia Health Center area in 2021. Conclusion:it was found that there was a relationship between parents' income and diet. on the nutritional status of children.

Keywords: Toddler, nutritional status, parents' income, diet

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