- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
- Author Fees
Focus and Scope
The aim of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of this articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including:
- Criminal law;
- Private law, including business law, economic law, Islamic law, inheritor law, agrarian law, and custom law;
- Constitutional law;
- Administrative and government law, including maritime law, mining law, and environmental law.
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
Halu Oleo Legal Research (HOLRESCH) will publish the only paper strictly following HOLREV guidelines and manuscript preparation by applying double blind review. Those papers are read by editorial members (upon field of specialisation) and will be screened by Managing Editor to meet necessary criteria of HOLRESCH publication. Manuscripts will be sent to two reviewers based on their historical experience in reviewing manuscript or based on their field of specialisation. HOLRESCH has reviewing forms in order to keep same items reviewed by two reviewers. Then editorial board will make a decision upon the reviewers comments or advice. Reviewers will give their assessment on originality, clarity of presentation, contribution to the field/science, HOLREV has three kind of decisions:
- Accepted, as it is
- Accepted by Minor Revisions (let authors revised with stipulated time)
- Accepted by Major Revisions (let authors revised with stipulated time)
- Rejected (generally, on grounds of outside of scope and aim, major technical description problems, lack of clarity of presentation)
Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed. If it is found plagiarism indication (above 30%), editorial board will reject manuscript immediately.
Publication Frequency
Halu Oleo Legal Research (HOLRESCH) is a journal published byProgram Studi Magister Ilmu Hukum, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Halu Oleo three times a year in April, August, and December.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
Halu Oleo Legal Research (HOLRESCH) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to uphold the highest standards of publication ethics that refer to cope. In order to provide our readers with a journal of highest quality, we state the following principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. All articles not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication at any time even after the publication. In accordance with the code of conduct we will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing to the relevant authorities. Halu Oleo Law Research reserves the right to use plagiarism-detecting software to screen submitted papers at all times.
- Authors must ensure that they have written original works.
- Authors must ensure that the manuscript has not been issued elsewhere.
- Authors are responsible for language editing before submitting the article.
- Authors submitting their works to the journal for publication as original articles confirm that the submitted works represent their authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works without clearly citing.
- Authors must notify the Halu Oleo Law Review of any conflicts of interest.
- Authors must report any errors they discover in their manuscript to the Halu Oleo Law Review.
- Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources should be appropriately credited and referenced.
- An author agrees to the license agreement before submitting the article.
- All articles must be submitted using online submission procedure.
Editorial Board:
- Editorial Board must ensure a fair peer-review of the submitted articles for publication.
- Editorial Board must disclose any conflicts of interest.
- Editorial Board must ensure that all the information related to the submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing.
- Editorial Board must evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content.
- Editor-in-Chief will coordinate the work of the editors.
- Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors.
- Reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the Editor-in-Chief if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
- Reviewers must evaluate the submitted works objectively as well as present clearly their opinions on the works in a clear way in the review form.
- Reviewers must keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential.
- A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor-in-Chief and excuse himself from the review process.
Author Fees
Halu Oleo Legal Research (HOLRESCH) welcomes article submissions and does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Article Publication Fee (Free). For Libraries/Individual, can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge. For Printed editions subscription, please contact us.