Is a journal of scientific in the form of research results in communication and information science. This journal is published 4 times a year (January, April, July and October) published by the Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari.
articles are written in Indonesian and English. Each text that is published will go through the verification and editing process by the editor and the articles will be reviewed using a double-blind review system by the partners who are competent in their field.
This journal is expected to be a medium for researchers / writers who want to publish the results of their research so that it can become a reference for further studies related to the study of Communication and information.
Publication Schedule | : Januari, April, Juli, and October |
Language | : Indonesia |
Frequency | : Per Year |
APC | : Payment (processing) | |
e-ISSN | : 2527-9173 |
DOI | : Prefix 10.52423 by Crossref |
Accreditation | : Sinta 5 SK NO.28/E/KPT/2019, 26th September 2019 |
Editor-in-chief | : Dr. Muh. Najib Hussain, M.Si |
Adminisstration | : |
Publisher | : Lab. Ilmu Komunikasi Fisip UHO |
Citation Analysis | : Google Scholar, Sinta 5 |
Vol 7, No 4 (2022):
Table of Contents
Original Research
Syahrul Hidayanto, Wa Ode Sitti Nurhaliza
Putri Ekaresty Haes, Ni Putu Dinda Haryanti
Nasyifa Nur Januar Putri, Hasna Wafia Mumtazia, Ghilang Mahesa Putra
Khalida Azki Maudina, Hanny Hafiar, Centurion Chandratama Priyatna
Diah Melati Adzani, Indira Irawati